The Courier-Post’s Jeremy Rosen has proposed the creation of a consolidated “New City” in which Camden would be joined by the adjacent towns of Cherry Hill, Pennsauken, Collingswood, Woodlynne and Merchantville. He would approach the proposed consolidation of area police differently and would argue for the benefits to Camden in particular of other shared services, … Continue reading Conceiving a Greater Camden…
2012 January
An Election Year Challenge: Prosperity Across the Income Specturm
The New York Times columnist Ross Douthat too often reverts to mindless labels, such as calling Keystone pipeline protesters part of the “decadent left” (see posting for December 4, 2011). In the Sunday Review section for January 15, however, he makes a nice point about the current debate within the GOP over Bain Capital. Bain … Continue reading An Election Year Challenge: Prosperity Across the Income Specturm…
Father and Son: George and Mitt both Moderates?
One of the most frequent charges Newt Gingrich lobbed against Mitt Romney in New Hampshire was that he is a “Massachusetts moderate.” Specifically Gingrich attempted to associate Romney with memories of the failed Democratic candidacies of Michael Dukaukis and John Kerry, throwing in the additional complaint that Romney ran to the left Ted Kennedy in … Continue reading Father and Son: George and Mitt both Moderates?…