Looking for a “School” Of New Jersey Urban Studies

Judging from the symposium hosted on the Princeton University campus May 1st, the question at hand—“Could there be a New Jersey school of urban studies?”—is both timely and still to be determined. Presentations covering a wide range of topics, from segregated school houses to oral histories of “queer” Newark, proved stimulating, if not always directly … Continue reading Looking for a “School” Of New Jersey Urban Studies

In Rebuilding Camden’s Industry, Don’t Bury the Past

Clearly one of the most exciting aspects of the hugely generous tax credits that have been used to induce businesses to locate in Camden is the prospect of returning the city to its roots in manufacturing. Citing the 5000 new jobs he expects to generate,  Holtec CEO Kris Singh made the connection himself this week … Continue reading In Rebuilding Camden’s Industry, Don’t Bury the Past

In Revisiting the Civil Rights Movement, ’64’s Experience is Central

As the nation has revisited the glory days of the civil rights movement over the past year—the Civil Rights acts of 1964 and 1965, Freedom Summer, 1964, and Selma—we have been reminded of a special moment in time when a growing demand from whites as well as African Americans for equal justice overwhelmed resistance to … Continue reading In Revisiting the Civil Rights Movement, ’64’s Experience is Central

In Camden, Additional Searches for Solutions

A panel discussion hosted by the Rutgers Center for Urban Research and Education today sparked a lively debate about best path to reversing Camden’s long-term decline.Like so many meetings before it, this one, which included a mix of community residents, students, and a scattering of professionals, provided a mix of pride in work underway at … Continue reading In Camden, Additional Searches for Solutions

Christie Touts Camden’s Recovery, but the Hard Part is Still Ahead

To nobody’s surprise, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has used his annual state of the state address to showcase the theme he is expected to emphasize should he embark on a widely anticipated run for president: getting results in a bipartisan manner. Given the amount of time and resources he has directed towards Camden (a … Continue reading Christie Touts Camden’s Recovery, but the Hard Part is Still Ahead

Camden’s reputation is on the rise but will the city follow?

So, Subaru is coming to Camden. The headlines keep getting better. Camden’s image makeover has been dramatic. You don’t have to go back that far to remember when every story felt like the city’s obituary. A year ago Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi provoked Camden boosters with his over-the-top damning critique of the city’s new, county-based police … Continue reading Camden’s reputation is on the rise but will the city follow?